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Let's talk about Love, sex and relationships

We form relationships as soon as we are born with parents, siblings and family.
As we move outside the home, school or neighbourhood, friends may become
important. As we get older new relationships such as teacher-student, employer-
employee, are formed. A relationship involves a connection between people and
although we come into contact with many people in our daily lives only a few
encounters will result in relationships or friendships. Some people have many
relationships, a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and others prefer only a
few close friends.

Key Messages:
 We form relationships from the moment we are born and as we age, the
relationships we form evolve
 Healthy relationships can be characterised by closeness, respect, good
communication, shared goals/beliefs, shared interests and affection.
 Love is a feeling (emotional) whereas sex is a behaviour. There are many
ways of showing love that do not involve sex and there are also ways of being
physically close without having sex.

Social Norms and Peer Pressure related to Dating and Youth
Some teens may feel pressure to date from friends. There is no set age or time to
start dating. Many people do not start dating until they have finished school
because other things are more important to them such as their school work, a
sport they enjoy or just hanging out with a group of friends. The media may
present images of couples in movies, TV shows and advertising putting forward
the idea that everyone is dating. These representations are not realistic.
Relationship Characteristics
Some important characteristics of a healthy romantic/sexual/intimate relationship

 You are caring and loyal.
 You trust your partner.
 You share your feelings.
 You support your partner during illness or during stressful times.

Shared Goals and Beliefs
 You share beliefs and values.
 You recognize and respect differences in each other.

Shared Experiences
 You share common interests and friends/acquaintances.
 You talk about your experiences and accept and respect each other’s
individual interests.

 You are honest with each other.
 You listen to each other.

 You use respectful language and do not act in ways that demean your
 You understand your partner’s wishes and feelings.
 You are ready to compromise—to meet your partner halfway.

 You show your partner you care.
 You show each other affection in many ways.


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